Brand Constellations: A Better Approach

Brand Constellations: A Better Approach

September 29, 2024
5 minutes

The Brand Constellations approach offers a unique perspective on brand management, differing from traditional methods in several significant ways. Here's how it distinguishes itself and provides advantages.

Traditional Approach

Brand Constellations

Holistic Understanding

Brands have often been managed based on their tangible elements like logos, slogans, and advertisements. Views a brand as an interconnected set of ideas, values, and attributes, much like stars forming a constellation. This provides a more comprehensive view of the brand, encompassing not just tangible assets but emotions, experiences, and narratives.

Dynamic & Adaptable

Brands were often seen as static entities, with changes being infrequent and substantial.


Recognizing the brand as a dynamic constellation allows for more fluidity. Elements can be adjusted or repositioned based on market shifts, ensuring the brand remains relevant and resonant.

Emphasizes Interconnectedness

Different brand elements, like product features or company values, were often managed in silos. Every element is seen in relation to others, highlighting the importance of harmony and consistency across all brand touchpoints.

Greater Consumer Resonance

The focus was often on outward expressions of the brand, like advertisements or packaging. By viewing brands as constellations, there's a deeper exploration into the psychological and emotional connections consumers form with the brand. This ensures strategies that resonate on a more profound level.


Branding strategies were often reactive, addressing current market conditions. Promotes proactive thinking, anticipating market evolutions and consumer shifts, and adapting the brand constellation accordingly.

Enhanced Collaboration

Brand management was mostly the realm of marketing teams Recognizing the brand as a constellation encourages collaboration across departments—from product design to customer service—ensuring a cohesive brand experience.

Strategic Clarity

Brands sometimes spread themselves thin, trying to be everything to everyone. By identifying the core "stars" or elements of the brand, there's a clearer strategic direction, ensuring efforts are channeled effectively.

In-depth Consumer Insights

Brands often communicated to consumers based on what they thought consumers wanted. Promotes deep consumer understanding, ensuring brand narratives and experiences that genuinely align with consumer desires and values.


In essence, the Brand Constellations approach: offers a fresh, interconnected perspective on brand management, ensuring brands that are adaptable, resonant, and strategically clear. While traditional methods have their merits, the holistic nature of Brand Constellations provides a more nuanced and effective way to navigate the complexities of today's branding landscape.

Brands Constellations Succeed Where Others Fail

Here are examples of brands that seemingly align with the Traditional Approach and those that resonate with the Brand Constellations approach.

Traditional Approach




Kodak, a powerhouse in the film and camera industry, was slow to adapt to the digital revolution. Their branding and product strategies were largely centered on their tangible assets, primarily film, without adequately acknowledging the emotional and experiential shifts consumers were undergoing with digital technology. Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012, though it has since re-emerged with a focus on different business areas.


Blockbuster's brand was deeply tied to the physical experience of renting videos and games from a store. Even as digital streaming and online rentals became popular, Blockbuster's branding did not adequately adapt. The brand declined and eventually filed for bankruptcy, with most of its stores closing.


Brand Constellations Approach




Apple doesn't just sell products; it sells an ecosystem, an experience. From design aesthetics to user interface, everything is interconnected. Their brand isn't just about technology—it's about innovation, simplicity, and community. They've expertly woven a brand narrative that encompasses emotions (think of their "Think Different" campaign), experiences (like the seamless integration between devices), and values (such as privacy). Apple has become one of the most valuable and iconic brands globally, with a loyal customer base.


Nike's branding goes beyond just athletic wear. Their tagline, "Just Do It," and their campaigns often tap into deeper narratives of perseverance, achievement, and individuality. Nike's brand constellation incorporates product quality, emotional resonance (stories of athletes and everyday achievers), and societal values (like their support for Colin Kaepernick). Nike is a global leader in athletic wear, resonating with diverse audiences across various demographics


Airbnb is not just a platform for booking accommodations. Their brand constellation encompasses travel experiences, community connection, and the idea of 'belonging anywhere'. They emphasize stories from hosts and travelers, fostering a sense of global community. Despite regulatory challenges in various regions, Airbnb has transformed the travel industry and has built a brand based on trust and community experiences

While these examples are somewhat simplified, they illustrate the differences in how brands can manage and position themselves. Those that adopt a more holistic, interconnected approach, akin to the Brand Constellations method, often show a deeper resonance with their target audiences and adaptability in evolving markets.

Learn How To Build Your Brand

If you want to build your brand, you can use the Brand Constellations course to learn more about how to do it for yourself.



    Your Guide to Strategic Brand Management

    The Brand Constellations Book offers a unique approach to brand management, viewing brands as interconnected constellations.

    This comprehensive framework guides you in managing all “stars” of your brand to create a cohesive, powerful identity that resonates with customers.

    For brand leaders looking to elevate their brand and achieve sustainable growth, this book is packed with practical strategies and real-world examples.

    Buy the Book Now on Amazon